Friday, November 26, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat") Desktop Edition

When Canonical released its most recent Long Term Support (LTS) version of Ubuntu Linux 10.04 ("Lucid Lynx"), in April, the company claimed it was taking major steps toward making the Linux operating system a serious mainstream competitor. We agreed: A number of changes, in both appearance and function, had brought Ubuntu a lot closer to what average users expect from an OS. With the new release of Ubuntu 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat") Desktop Edition, which is available for free from, Canonical is taking things one step further: If non-techies are to use Linux for long periods of time, they're going to want (and need) features that will keep them there. Ubuntu 10.10 boasts some enhanced cloud functionality and other tiny tweaks, but there have not been many substantial changes from 10.04.

Features Changed and Added
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS made a big deal of dumping the drab brown color scheme that had long been associated with the OS and substituting a more friendly purple, but 10.10 keeps its alterations more subtle. This starts with a new font, titled Ubuntu, that incorporates the sleek, no-nonsense appearance of 10.04's streamlined Ubuntu logo to the rest of the OS. It looks fine, but most of the time we didn't even notice it—it's perfectly readable, but doesn't stand out in any way (which, come to think of it, is probably a good thing for a font to do). Changes like this are emblematic of those in 10.10 as a whole.

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by Matthew Murray

Monday, October 4, 2010

Overview of the Linux file system

/bin All commands which are used by normal users

/etc System conf files

/var Server data logs Mail proxy cache

/dev All devices name stored in /dev

/sbin All commands which are used by supper user

/boot Linux kernel ( vmlinuz , initrd ) Grub directory

/usr All gui tools installed in /usr

/proc System information’s ( picture of RAM )

/home User's home dir's

/tmp Temporary files

/media Auto mounted devices mount point in /media

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Riset: Facebook Turunkan Nilai Ujian 20%

Amsterdam - Ini salah satu contoh kecanduan internet yang bisa berakibat buruk. Sebuah riset menemukan bahwa hasil ujian para pengguna situs jejaring sosial semisal Facebook, lebih rendah 20% daripada orang-orang yang tidak menggunakannya.

Menurut para peneliti dari Universitas Terbuka Netherland di Belanda, penemuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa otak para remaja lebih baik dalam hal multitasking pada perangkat digital dan bukan pada mata kuliah pada umumnya.

"Masalahnya adalah banyak orang yang mempunyai akun Facebook, atau akun pada jejaring sosial lainnya, serta email dan pesan instan, yang terus berjalan saat mereka melakukan tugas utama," jelas sang penulis riset tersebut, Profesor Paulus Kirschner.

"Penelitian kami dan studi sebelumnya juga menunjukkan bahwa orang berpikir dengan berganti-ganti tugas bisa dilakukan dalam waktu yang sedikit. Padahal kenyataannya itu justru memboroskan waktu dan menyebabkan banyaknya kesalahan pada pengerjaan tugas tersebut," tambahnya.

Sumber :

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The measurement of affordability for electricity relies critically on a reliable estimate of the demand for electricity function. However, standard microeconomic theory falls short in providing a plausible framework within which such estimation could be made, at least in the case of electricity. Empirical work to date generally tends to assume that the affordability for electricity has no satiation point. Many models of the affordability for electricity assume a constant price elasticity, which implies infinite ability at low prices. The purpose of this technical note is to propose a plausible functional form for the affordability for electricity. The proposed functional form is consistent with four independent variables of electricity functions for households, namely, amount of average income per month, amount of average outcome for energy consumptions per month, amount of people remain in a household, and electricity power attached in a household.

The survey sampled 500 households throughout the four districts using a random sampling. Primary data, which is cross section, obtained directly from responder by observation, interview and questionnaire distribution. To estimate the affordability for electricity services, the linear regression method was used. The method was used to analyze the influence and correlation of four independent variables to dependent variable.

The result shows that the affordability for electricity of households in Salatiga is significantly influenced just by three independent variables, namely, amount of average income per month, amount of average outcome for energy consumptions per month and electricity power attached in a household. Individually, the amount of people remain in a household didn’t influence significantly to the affordability for electricity.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

How to Add Horizontal Lines in Word 2007 Document Quickly ?

You can add horizontal lines in Word 2007 document quickly without having to use the ribbon on the top of the page. A very easy way to add horizontal lines in Word 2007 quickly is by using the keyboard shortcuts. This method will save your time. You will be able to insert lines of many different designs by using the keyboard and not having to use the mouse at all. In order to add horizontal lines in Word 2007 document quickly, you can use one of the following procedures:

1. If you want to add a simple straight line, type three dashes (---) and press Enter on the keyboard.

2. For this style of a horizontal line, type three asterisks (***) and press Enter.

3. Type three underscores ( ___ ) and press Enter to get this line:

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it. Textbooks define the field as "the study and design of intelligent agents," where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines."

The field was founded on the claim that a central property of humans, intelligence—the sapience of Homo sapiens—can be so precisely described that it can be simulated by a machine. This raises philosophical issues about the nature of the mind and limits of scientific hubris, issues which have been addressed by myth, fiction and philosophy since antiquity. Artificial intelligence has been the subject of optimism, but has also suffered setbacks and, today, has become an essential part of the technology industry, providing the heavy lifting for many of the most difficult problems in computer science.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cashback Websites

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I have a saying that goes something along the lines of ‘A penny saved is 1.22 pennies earned’ and while I’ll admit it’s not the catchiest of proverbs it certainly does hold some truth for the majority of us. Owing to the fact that you’re taxed on almost everything you earn, it is genuinely better to save a penny than earning an additional one and fortunately the Internet offers various methods of allowing us to do just that.

Money Saving Expert ( for example is a site that I turn to time and again to ensure that I’m always getting the best deal on my current account, credit card, utilities and so forth. As well as offering news and comparisons of various financial products on the market is also gives you a heads of to any discount vouchers or special offers valid at places such as restaurants and supermarkets which you would most likely visit anyway.

Keeping with the financial theme, I’m amazed at how many people are unaware of the various ‘cash back’ sites that are present on the Internet. One which I’ve just started using is Top Cash Back (, a site which takes only a couple of minutes to sign up to before you can start earning money on purchased that you would most likely be making anyway. Top Cash back has no set up or membership fees and the idea essentially is that if you visit one of their sponsors via the site then you’ll actually get a cash reward paid straight in to your account.

There are hundreds of big name featured retailers including, Tesco, Asda, B&Q and Dell and along with the usual couple of per cent back you occasionally come across an offer which is ridiculously generous. As an example I recently signed up for O2 broadband at home which, as an existing O2 mobile customer, would usually cost me £7.50 a month for the 16mb package, ....... read more

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to detect and delete the duplicate files on your computer?

This utility program is used to search and delete the duplicate files and folder on your hard disk, so that operating system can access data more quickly and easily. You can search any kind of duplicate files on your computer, for example music, text and picture. You can scan files with same contents, folder, drives and hard disk with powerful search engine. When the scanning process is completed, you will see a list of actual files, list of duplicate files with size, creating time, access and write time then create free disk space by deleting duplicates.

Duplicate File Detector has a very simple control panel to help the all level of users. You can scan almost any media CD/DVD, USB, external storage device, zip drive and network drive also. You can download this tool for any windows version. Download it and run the easy setup.


Source :

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Information About Purchasing A New Computer Chassis


Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer. However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.


  • Color of Case

  • Type of Case (Tower case and Desktop case)

  • read more....

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